Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Transforming young men in Christ through work, wilderness, and worship.

Our Vision

To train and establish young men in Christ as future leaders in families, the workplace, and ministry.

Core Value


Most men learn lessons of life through engaging their physical world. The growth, maturity, and success of a man cannot be solely based on performance and results.


The traditions and lessons of the past are being lost when an older generation stays silent. There must be a transfer of wisdom from old to young through relationship.


Who God really is shapes a man’s character leading to a focused and committed response to life, challenging the passivity prevalent in our culture/in our world.


Young men grow when surrounded by seasoned and vulnerable older men and women as well as peers sumbitted to the same purpose.

Core Competencies

We believe in a holistic approach to developing young men.


Being aware of our emotions and valuing them as an important part of how God created us is vital to the maturity of young men.


What we think about God and ourselves is the single most important thing in this life. Thoughts lead to beliefs that motivate us to action.


Men learn valuable lessons related to life and God by engaging their physical world. We create opportunities for young men to be tested and challenged at work and in the wilderness.


It isn’t enough for a young man to have parents who know and love God. Critical to the development and training of a young man is his taking ownership of his own faith and relationship with God. To know God and to be known by God is a central desire of every man’s heart.

Support Training Ground

We boldly ask for your support both financially and with your prayers. What gives us this boldness? We believe there is nothing more transforming for college-age men than an experience with Training Ground. The staff and volunteers hear every day how a Training Ground experience has changed the trajectory of many college-age men. The impact is exponential. Behind every TG graduate comes a wake of better marriages, churches, communities, and families. Our men are changing their area of the world one man at a time.

Support Training Ground